ICAAC Online の学び、本日もトラック#120:潜在結核の診断(Diagnosis of Latent TB Infection (LTBI))です。
今日ははStanford大学のNiaz Banaei先生による講演。
タイトルは「IGRA その変動の原因(Sources of IGRA Variability)」
Diel R, Loddenkemper R, Nienhaus A.
Evidence-based comparison of commercial interferon-gamma release assays for detecting active TB: a metaanalysis.
Chest. 2010 Apr;137(4):952-68.
PMID: 20022968
Herrera V, Perry S, Parsonnet J, Banaei N.
Clinical application and limitations of interferon-gamma release assays for the diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection.
Clin Infect Dis. 2011 Apr 15;52(8):1031-7
PMID: 21460320
1)T細胞の循環や機能に日内変動や季節変動がないか検討が必要・・(whether there is a circadian or seasonal effect on T cell circulation and function, which may impact IGRA results.)
2)潜在結核でも活動性結核でも感度に問題。Interferonに加えて他のT細胞Cytokineの測定なども有用になるかも。(multiplexed assays measuring additional T cell cytokines and biomarkers downstream of IFN-c signaling could enhance the sensitivity of IGRAs.)
(cannot distinguish between either active or latent infection,de novo or treated infection, or recent or remote infection.)
今日ははStanford大学のNiaz Banaei先生による講演。
タイトルは「IGRA その変動の原因(Sources of IGRA Variability)」
Diel R, Loddenkemper R, Nienhaus A.
Evidence-based comparison of commercial interferon-gamma release assays for detecting active TB: a metaanalysis.
Chest. 2010 Apr;137(4):952-68.
PMID: 20022968
Herrera V, Perry S, Parsonnet J, Banaei N.
Clinical application and limitations of interferon-gamma release assays for the diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection.
Clin Infect Dis. 2011 Apr 15;52(8):1031-7
PMID: 21460320
1)T細胞の循環や機能に日内変動や季節変動がないか検討が必要・・(whether there is a circadian or seasonal effect on T cell circulation and function, which may impact IGRA results.)
2)潜在結核でも活動性結核でも感度に問題。Interferonに加えて他のT細胞Cytokineの測定なども有用になるかも。(multiplexed assays measuring additional T cell cytokines and biomarkers downstream of IFN-c signaling could enhance the sensitivity of IGRAs.)
(cannot distinguish between either active or latent infection,de novo or treated infection, or recent or remote infection.)