青木 眞 61歳♂ 感染症コンサルタント
Pt with a TST reaction of 5-9 mm, who is 61 yo, born in Japan, whose BCG status is Vaccinated age < 2 yo, and who has had Casual Contact with active TB.
The likelihood that this is a true positive is: 90.78%
The annual risk of development of active tuberculosis dis is estimated to be 0.09%.
The cumulative risk of active tuberculosis disease, up to the age of 80, is: 1.72
If treated with INH, the probability of clinically significant drug-induced hepatitis is 2.3
青木 眞 61歳♂ 感染症コンサルタント
Pt with a TST reaction of 5-9 mm, who is 61 yo, born in Japan, whose BCG status is Vaccinated age < 2 yo, and who has had Casual Contact with active TB.
The likelihood that this is a true positive is: 90.78%
The annual risk of development of active tuberculosis dis is estimated to be 0.09%.
The cumulative risk of active tuberculosis disease, up to the age of 80, is: 1.72
If treated with INH, the probability of clinically significant drug-induced hepatitis is 2.3