Channel: 感染症診療の原則
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ICAAC online 小児感染症 症例検討会 (Session 113) #6  最後

ICAAC online 小児感染症 症例検討会 (Session 113)


Samir Shah, MD, MSCE
Charles Woods, MD, MS
Michael Levin, PhD
Hermione Lyall, MD

2 yo boy at ED with fever and poor oral intake
-5 -7 days fever, 39-420 C
-Dry cough/coryza
-Vomit x 1, diarrhoea x 3
-1-2 days reduced po intake
-Rx Erythromycin by GP but refused it

• T39, HR 190 -140,RR 30, Sat 97%
• Alert, irritable ++
• Mild TM hyperemia, inflammed tonsils ++, no pus.
• Cervical adenopathy
• Sepsis w/u :blood, throat, urine cx.
• Hb 11 .2g/d, WBC 18.9, ANC 14.19, Plts 284,
• CRP 309mg/L、CXR:WNL
• CSF 3 WBC, Glu & Protein normal
-Dx:Pharyngitis & Rx IV benzylpenicillin

-川崎病としての診療・治療を始める → 改善 → 再び発熱
-やがてMicro Labから電話:嫌気性GNRが生えている@27時間
-そして、このGNRはFusobacterium necrophorum
-CTで乳突炎。穿刺液からFusobacterium necrophorum

#:Fusobacterium necrophorum
-Oropharyngeal flora
-Non-spore forming, anaerobic thin GNB
Causes up to
ー10% acute sore throats
-20% of recurrent sore throats
-23% of peritonsillar abscesses
- <1% of all bacteremias

<font color="olive">-Lemierre's s yndrome
(1:400 cases)
uncommon but potentially latal
internal jugular vein thrombophlebitis_
associated with abscess
(Brain, Liver, Lung, Spleen etc.)
-Mortality:up to 5 %
-TX: Beta-lactamase resistant penicillin,metronidazole, clindamycin

・pneumo 36.1%, GAS 13.9%, CNS 13.9%, P.aeruginosa 8.3%, F.necrophorum 8.3%
・という事でF necrophorumは緑膿菌なみに多い原因

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