Iatrogenic Meningitis: The Case for Face Masks
Iatrogenic Bacterial Meningitis: an unmasked threat
The doctor and the mask: iatrogenic septic arthritis caused by Streptoccocus mitis
Part II: Fundamental elements needed to prevent transmission of infectious agents in healthcare settings
II.E.3. Face protection: masks, goggles, face shields
II.E.3.a. Masks
Masks are used for three primary purposes in healthcare settings: 1) placed on healthcare personnel to protect them from contact with infectious material from patients e.g., respiratory secretions and sprays of blood or body fluids, consistent with Standard Precautions and Droplet Precautions; 2) placed on healthcare personnel when engaged in procedures requiring sterile technique to protect patients from exposure to infectious agents carried in a healthcare worker's mouth or nose, and 3) placed on coughing patients to limit potential dissemination of infectious respiratory secretions from the patient to others (i.e., Respiratory Hygiene/Cough Etiquette). Masks may be used in combination with goggles to protect the mouth, nose and eyes, or a face shield may be used instead of a mask and goggles, to provide more complete protection for the face, as discussed below. Masks should not be confused with particulate respirators that are used to prevent inhalation of small particles that may contain infectious agents transmitted via the airborne route as described below.
2007 Guideline for Isolation Precautions: Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agents in Healthcare Settings
Iatrogenic Meningitis: The Case for Face Masks
Iatrogenic Bacterial Meningitis: an unmasked threat
The doctor and the mask: iatrogenic septic arthritis caused by Streptoccocus mitis
Part II: Fundamental elements needed to prevent transmission of infectious agents in healthcare settings
II.E.3. Face protection: masks, goggles, face shields
II.E.3.a. Masks
Masks are used for three primary purposes in healthcare settings: 1) placed on healthcare personnel to protect them from contact with infectious material from patients e.g., respiratory secretions and sprays of blood or body fluids, consistent with Standard Precautions and Droplet Precautions; 2) placed on healthcare personnel when engaged in procedures requiring sterile technique to protect patients from exposure to infectious agents carried in a healthcare worker's mouth or nose, and 3) placed on coughing patients to limit potential dissemination of infectious respiratory secretions from the patient to others (i.e., Respiratory Hygiene/Cough Etiquette). Masks may be used in combination with goggles to protect the mouth, nose and eyes, or a face shield may be used instead of a mask and goggles, to provide more complete protection for the face, as discussed below. Masks should not be confused with particulate respirators that are used to prevent inhalation of small particles that may contain infectious agents transmitted via the airborne route as described below.
2007 Guideline for Isolation Precautions: Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agents in Healthcare Settings